Thursday, 2 December 2010

Gmail spam scam?

I just recieved the following email.
It seems to me to be very unlikely that it has in fact come from anone at Google.
If they really were having congestion on their servers it would be a big surprise.
Surely Google of all people can afford a few servers.

It seems to me that this is an obvious scam.
In fact it is so obvious that I am amazed that google don't have some automatic way of
detecting stuff like this.
How hard can it be, given that their name is all over it?


show details 14:28 (45 minutes ago)
We are shutting down some accounts due to congestion in our database system and your account was chosen to be deleted. If you are still interested in using our email service please click reply and fill in the space below for verification purpose:-

Full Name:



Year of Birth:

Country of Origin:

Note: This email is only for Gmail users (Users should reply within 48 hours to avoid "Permanently Lockup" Account)

Thank you for using Gmail !

The Gmail Team

So there it is. I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had anything similar.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I've got it too. I classified it as a pishing email and send report to google.
